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Recreation Committee Minutes 2013/05/13
Town of Sunapee Recreation Committee Minutes
May 13, 2013

Attendance: Erica Belisle, Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Craig Heino Charleen Osborne, Paul Skarin

Meeting called to order 6:41 PM by Patricia Halpin

Review Minutes – Paul Skarin was not able complete the minutes from last month, but will have them completed by Friday, May 17th, 2013.

Budget – The Committee reviewed the budget and purchases for the past month.  The purchases were equipment and supplies for the baseball and softball.  The largest expense was $1400 for clay for the fields.  Slice and over-seed has been completed for the first time this year.  It is part of the typical field maintenance, budgeted and will be completed five times during the year.  

Baseball/Softball Update - Craig has finished the dugout renovations at Veterans which included benches, roof and trim work.  Lacrosse has hurt some of the baseball/softball team numbers in those towns that offer both during the spring.  

League dues are paid to Kearsarge Valley, Babe Ruth and Sugar River Softball Leagues which covers insurance for each of the teams/fields instead of claims being made through the individual towns if something happens.  Soccer insurance is the similar as it is part of the Leagues.  Basketball leagues do not cover insurance.  

Dewey Beach – The beaches will open on May 25th at 9 AM.  A lifeguard is on duty at George’s Mills on Friday, Saturday and Sundays.  George’s Mills is in good condition, but does need some mulch around the playground.  Dewey is in good shape and no big issues as many renovations have been completed in previous years.  The water heater needs to be replaced, which will be a couple hundred dollars and will be installed this week.  New paint is planned at Dewey.  

Boats available through the beach include 5 Sunfish, 1 Force 5, 1 Zuma, a few canoes, paddleboards, 3 row boats, 1 pedal boat and a few kayaks. One paddleboard was purchased from the Dewey and Thrift Shop donation.   Jill and George Montgomery have donated a sailboat and it will replace one of the sunfish that will need to be replaced as it is water logged.  The sunfish sailboats are used for in-experienced sailors while the force 5 and zuma are for advanced sailors.  The outboard motor will be brought to the beach for Captain Al to use on a rowboat while he is giving sailing lessons.   There are three-2 week sessions of sailing lessons available each summer which are full.  

Paddleboard Yoga will be offered again with a new instructor.  No dogs allowed at the town beaches.  Ladies rowing club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 AM.  

Town Joint Loss Report – Scott Blewitt and Craig Heino reviewed with the Committee that the Town Joint Committee reviews town owned properties on a quarterly basis and is comprised of different town department representatives.  Dewey and Veteran’s Fields were reviewed by the Town Joint Loss Committee this quarter.  There were a few deficiencies and Scott Blewitt and Craig Heino have created a response to the letter and have already fixed some of the issues.

The Committee discussed the donated cottage at Dewey Field and possible uses.  The decision was made to leave the cottage at Dewey for more storage.  Craig Heino will review the cottage and if there is a possibility of moving it further back away from the fence line.  Scott Blewitt and Craig Heino will create a plan for the Veteran’s field shed with the potential to create a snack shack there.  

New Business:
Golf Frisbee -   Charlene Osborne was asked about expanding the golf Frisbee and adding harder holes similar to Newport.  The Committee asked that Mike Barnhardt bring a plan to the Committee to discuss further.

July 4th Parade – Osborne’s will be participating in their normal fireworks assignment.  Scott Blewitt will begin to send out requests for funds.  Erica Belisle offered to assist with the Watermelon Race. Craig Heino will assist as he has in the past.  Erica Belisle and Charlene Osborne will work on getting the floats to sign the waivers for the parade during line up.  Scott Blewitt will meet during the week of May 20th with Chief Cahill to discuss police traffic and crowd control during the festivities.  

Resignation – Patricia Halpin resigned immediate as the Board Chair and from the Committee.  Thank you Patricia for your eleven years of service on the Recreation Committee for the Town of Sunapee!

Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM

Minutes submitted by Erica Belisle